Saturday, February 25, 2017

Michael Chabon and Ayelet Waldman

Michael Chabon won the Pulitzer for ...Kavalier and Clay....." a wonderful story encompassing the birth of American comics and a loving portrait of the contribution of immigrants to society, and a love letter to the New York City of the 40's.

His memoir of his grandfathers' passing, Moonglow....., has just been released and is a poignant and moving recounting of an incredible life with enough plot twists to make it a novel.

Mr. Chabon can not write a bad book. His intelligence and acerbic self-awareness, combined with lacerating candor about his and his family's private struggles have given him a following that only grows.

Just look online at the summation of the book The Yiddish Policeman's Union..... and its mentioning in more 'top ___' lists that I have space to mention here, and tell me where does this man's reach end?

Married to novelist Ayelet Waldman - whose Love and Treasure (2014)is an informative and moving portrait of a little-known portion of the WWII experience which made the best books list of 2014 (and I adored it), and who has just released "A Really Good Day"; where she argues for an end to the demonization of psychedelics and their study as anti-depressants. She herself has tried micro-dosing and the read is well worth it for anyone interested in this stupidly overlooked aspect of our natural world. A literary power couple whose works I feverishly anticipate.

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